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29 September 2010

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One more slap from china mobile phones.

Hape china is superior in its class. Nexian. out its newest product in collaboration with one of the largest providers in Indonesia, namely the operator Telkomsel.

Yes. . . Now hape Nexian type NX - G522 can you have with an affordable price.

Hape dilenkapi sophisticated with features - features that are suitable for your high mobility.

As for features - these features are:

    * Detik dot com.
    * Friendster.
    * Telkomsel Mobile.
    * NSP 1212 Mobile.
    * MSN network.
    * Kapanlagi dot com
    * Facebook
    * Yahoo messenger.

Soon have this phone, and enjoy the satisfaction of up's and chat with your family and your relatives.

Enough with the money 500 thousand. hahahay.

if you are interested in this exciting offer, please contact 08563595800. (Limited supply loh...!). hehehe:)

2 komentar:

Adhitya Sukma Putra mengatakan...

Nexian is smart company. They get the opportunity to sell high class of hand phone with low price.
Now, Nexian is popular in Indonesia. I'm sure that in the future, Nexian will be largest than now.

Beben Van Ichub mengatakan...

>> Reply For Mr. Aditya :

I hope like that for the future.
thank you so ,uch Mr. aditya

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